Recombinant photography is the seriality of city experiences compressed into a single frame.  It is an expression of simultaneity where multiple, scattered city sites are collapsed into a spatial composition altering the perception of site and context.  Unrelated elements are forced to coexist in a single 35mm frame rather than being captured through a series of advanced frames.  This compression detaches an object from its functional context and recollects it in the frame of the recombinant; a re-conceptualization of preconditioned use and relationships.

I have been experimenting with recombinant photography since my nights of exploring the streets of Milan, Italy as a student of architecture.  Today, this inspiration is attributed to my unavoidable run-ins with neon signage in my current city of residence, Las Vegas.  Signage has become a specimen of defacement; one that secretly repositions purpose and meaning through a collision of sites.  Equipped only with a 35 mm camera, black and white film and a tripod, the objects we tend to ignore during the day transforms through the recombinant lens at night.  This has become the source of my process which is the layering of representation through multiple exposures.  This re-composition bears a new understanding when objects forfeit their meaning to that of a larger composition. 



